Keep your opinions to yourself
March 8, 2016

When we read tarot cards, we are reading Reality. This is what is THERE. It isn’t always nice or what WE want, it is just what is there. This is sometimes hard to deal with. As Readers, one thing we MUST do: we must learn to suppress our own opinions and just read the cards.

This was a hard lesson I learned when I first began to read professionally at a psychic fair. A woman came to me with two children in tow (one about 18 months and the other about 3 yrs. old.) She was in love with a married man and had born him both her children, but he was still with his wife. I laid out the cards, sure they would say she should leave him and…. they didn’t. They were reassuring, comforting. Insisting that everything was fine and she should just wait. “You’re biting your tongue,” she told me. “Yes,” I said, “I want to tell you to pack up and get out. Run like Hell away from this guy, and the cards won’t let me!” She laughed, understanding exactly what I meant. I think her intuition had been saying the same. Wait for it, sit it out for now. She left comforted. And I was left scratching my head! I have puzzled over that reading for years: why would it be a good idea to wait on this man? He was married. It wasn’t a good relationship, was it?

Or was it? The man’s wife was very ill. He didn’t want to leave her, because of that. Maybe the wife really knew about the affair (or strongly suspected) and was relieved that he had someone to help take the stress of her illness away. Maybe—just maybe–his affair was actually a good thing.

We really don’t know anyone except ourselves. Because of this, we can’t—and shouldn’t–judge the actions of others. Crowley said, “Ain it harm none, do as thou wilt.” And maybe practices that are a little off the norm ARE OK, even positive. In this 21st Century we see open marriages, polyamory, even threesomes and other unusual permutations. The people in these relationships are happy. Who are we (the outsider observers) to tell them this is wrong, because it doesn’t fit the usual mold?

So we (as Readers) must learn to keep our opinions to ourselves. We are there to read reality and not judge what is going on with the querent. But sometimes someone’s reality is very sad or will be soon. Sometimes, we really want to lie about what we see or sugarcoat it, so the person being read goes away happier. We want to tell them that everything will be well. The married man will leave his wife (eventually) and come to them and they will live happily ever after. The ill spouse will get well; we want to tell worried husbands and wives, all will be well. Painful though it is, much as we are tempted to do so, we must resist.

We should always look for ways to make a bad situation better for the person we are reading for. We have free will, so there is usually an alternative that will help them escape the situation they feel trapped in. We should never leave someone stuck. But sometimes, the possible future is very bad. So you ask the cards for something good. Usually they will give you something. One woman recently asked about her grandfather who had stage four Cancer. I pulled a card and saw the sadness she feared right there. I could have been “nice” and told her that he would recover and go into remission and all would be well but that would have been a lie and, I believe, very unethical. Instead, I told her the truth: her grandfather was facing death. Maybe not immediately, but he was gravely ill (which she knew) and he was accepting it. That it was comfort enough for her: he was OK with dying and she would have to be OK with it too.

The toughest thing we face in our lives and in Tarot is Reality. It isn’t all sweetness and light, it is sad and brutal sometimes and hard to deal with. But it is Life. To be a Reader, you must accept all of life, not just the parts you want to believe or see. When I sit down to read, I ask for good news for the querent. However, if they ask about something that is sad or bad (a dying family member, a bad romance,) it is up to us to tell them the truth. We can say it tactfully, asking the cards to balance the bad with good, but we should not lie and tell them it is all well. That is not a good or ethical use of our Inner Vision.

Adventures in Tarot Cards: Dr. Who and the Lovers card
October 20, 2015

Did you ever watch Dr. Who? I am a huge fan.

This morning I watched the first of the new season of DW (with Peter Capeli) and a few minutes of the Hand of Fear (the last of Sarah Jane Smith in the Tom Baker years.) And I thought about the Lovers Card.

No, it isn’t that big a stretch. The Lovers is about Passion. It is about teaming together to build something new and wonderful ….together. The Lovers in my deck of choice (the World Tree Tarot) shows two people working together to create something between them. It will be better than either of them, and it will be a part of both of them.  In the Rider Waite Lovers, the Man looks at the Woman while the Woman looks at the Angel sanctifying their relationship. Men, it says, see reality but Women see beyond. We see intuitively not just concretely. Is that a bad thing? Not to me, it isn’t.

In the new Who series, which I absolutely love, we see this type of relationship. The Doctor has been without humans around him for many years. He has fought in the Time Wars (which killed off most of HIS people—the Gallifraians and ATTEMPTED to Kill the Daleks, the pepper pot shaped killing machines that are his sworn enemies.) He is bitter and fiercely independent. Also, he is very powerful and with no government to stop him. He, despite his need to be “good” and even “heroic,” is a menace.  He needs people around him, human beings who can balance him out. One companion, Donna, understood this. She called him on his anger and isolation. She told him he needs Humans to remind him of his well, Humanity. Otherwise, even though he has two hearts, he acts heartlessly, at time. The Human companion puts a brake on his passion and anger and allows him to navigate the tough choices that the Guardian of Good in the Universe must make.

The Lovers card is the same way. We can do a lot on our own. But a companion—not necessarily a LOVER, but perhaps a friend or co-worker can let us do much more than just what two people can do. Two sets of eyes see more, two sets of ears hear more and we can do more than twice as much with two people working together. We can support each other and help steady the work for each other. We can encourage each other. This is what the Lovers card really means: not Sex or “Romance” but LOVE, the love of others who really CARE about us, as we do them.

A partner may have a vision and we can help them bring it to reality. We may be lost in dreams of what could be and a partner helps us see the first step that must be taken. They say that marriage is happiness doubled and cares halved. This is what they mean, not romance, not sex, but CARING. That is the lesson of the Lovers.

Besides Romantic love, what do you see in the Lovers card? Are you with someone important to you? How do they complete you?

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Full Blood Moon and an eclipse!
September 30, 2015

The Moon’s the North Wind’s cooky.

He bites it, day by day,

Until there’s but a rim of scraps

That crumble all away.

The South Wind is a baker.

He kneads clouds in his den,

And bakes a crisp new moon that . . . greedy

North . . . Wind . . . eats . . . again!

–Vachel Lindsay

Sunday night was the Full Moon and a special full moon too: a “Blood Moon” although I could not see the red color (although apparently it was quite red to people watching downtown.) And a Lunar eclipse which was amazing to watch.

The Full moon is a climax, a moment of the highest of high energy. After that, there is a time of diminishment until the New moon (and moon dark) comes at last. After that, the moon (and your energy) begins to grow again.

Starting right after the Full moon is a good time to purge. Put papers and clutter away and clear the decks for new adventure. Delete old files, finish old projects and get ready to start again at the new moon with new rising energy. This is NOT a time to start a new adventure, but a time to PREPARE to start. Clearing out leaves you room to FOCUS and do whatever preparation is necessary to begin the new project.

What are your plans? What new things do you want to start this Fall season? What will you give up to get the new project going? As I have said in previous posts, quitting can be a good thing, if it allows you to pursue something that is better. Alternatively, this can be a time to REST. Since the Full moon can be a climax or peak, the waning moon can be a time of rest and recovery. Use the waning moon’s energy to clear the negativity out of you.

Right after the Full moon, I like to put some of my crystals out in a window to clean. The Waning moon drains negativity from them and then the waxing moon that follows recharges them. I take one of them with me when I work to give me energy and absorb negative energy from the clients I work with, so my readings can stay positive and FUN, the way I like them to be.

A book on magic that I have read also suggested that this is a good time to start working on losing weight. Think long and hard about your goal and begin to work on a better diet, more exercise or whatever you need to reduce the pounds along with the waning moon cycle.

This is not a new year or even a momentous date during the year. But the Full moon is a good time to think about the ending of a cycle of your life. Not a big one, but still ending and beginnings. What do you want to end and what do you want to begin?

Adventures in Tarot Cards: 8 of cups
June 2, 2015

“Something hidden. Go and find it.

Go and look behind the Ranges–

Something lost beyond the ranges.

Lost and waiting for you. Go!”

–Rudyard Kipling

“The Explorer”

8 of Cups has always been a favorite card of mine. It usually (we will use the Rider-Waite as an example here) shows a person walking away from a set of 8 cups, moving up a mountain with a staff in his/her hand.

I see it as advancement. The pile of cups is incomplete, 8 cups is not enough to make a pyramid or proper stack, so the person is walking away from it. He (or she—I will assume a neutral pronoun from now on) is holding a staff in their hand indicating he is taking the power onto himself. The cups are old things no longer worth dealing with.  They may be old goals no longer worth pursuing or old relationships that are not working no matter how one tries. The seeker realizes that is it is time to move on and leave the old behind. I have talked about quitting versus failing and this is an example of quitting is not failure, it is just giving up what is NOT working and moving on to something that may work better.

I also see it as following the 6 of cups. In the Rider-Waite card, there are two children in front of us playing in the garden. In the background, someone is walking away holding a staff. This person (I feel) is the subject of the 8 of cups. The seeker is leaving behind childish things and moving on to new and maybe better ones.

In the Rider-Waite the moon looks down dispassionately. There is no judgement here, just change in action. Geese fly overhead, heading somewhere in migration formation. They too see the advantage of a change of scene.

In my deck of choice, the World Tree Tarot, the seeker is seeing leaving behind a set of cups some of which still have bubbles rising from them. Bubbles in this deck indicate possibilities. There are still possibilities in staying with the old ways but not nearly as many or as exciting as the new things possible “up the mountain.”

In any 8 of cups version, the mountain, of course, is essential. We ASCEND spiritually by taking on new challenges. We stagnate when we refuse to add new challenges to our lives.  If we stop evolving, we start to die. If we are in a situation where all the options are exhausted, we look toward death.

This is why I also see a very sad meaning for the 8 of cups. Recently, a client at a party asked me about her father who was very ill (I asked for confirmation and she told me it was Stage 4 cancer and he had been struggling with it for a long time.)  I told her I did not see him dying, but that he was resigned to Death. In the booklet with the World Tree tarot, the artist says the person is “taking the paths to the Moon” towards Man’s greatest adventure: Death.  He may have been declared terminal.

Ending are always sad as we mourn what Could Have Been. But they are also happy as we find our way to new and better adventure. Never stop seeking.

Which is better: Tarot Cards or Palm Readings?
May 15, 2015

When I started reading tarot cards, I had a friend who was a palmist. She told me she just couldn’t get excited about Tarot cards. “I can spend a half an hour on someone’s palms, but only  a few minutes on their cards!” I told her I was just the opposite: I can spend lots of time on reading someone’s cards but palms for me are strictly a party reading: fun, fast and done.

This is not to say that palms or any other oracle is wrong or bad, it just that cards are the one that resonates best with me. I believe that tarot, numerology, runes and the others are just ways to find our way to the Akashic record. This is the record of everything up to now. We find the info we need in that giant Database that is the Universe.

I, personally, dislike Astrology because people use it as an excuse NOT to change or believe that they can’t change.  “I’m an Aquarian and I am like that.” Even career astrologers who insist that we still have free will, will talk of the moon is void of course so we can’t do things right now or don’t do a mailing because it is Mercury retrograde. I do use astrology occasionally: I see the Saturn return in the cards and even in my own life, but the day to day use of astrology irritates me to death.

But any other oracle, even if I don’t use it, IS useful if it rings true to you. My Goddaughter uses Norse Runes and does serious Rune study. Eventually I may try it. I read I Ching as my personal oracle when I want a reading and I have a book for more serious study that I use occasionally.

Ultimately, it comes down to this: there is no one true way. Find your own.

Card of the day: 10 of Wands Reversed— Quitting is not Failing
December 6, 2014

Card of the day:  10 of Wands Reversed— Quitting  is not Failing

I was reading the new Freakonomics book (Levitt, Stephen and Stephan Dubner, Think like a Freak, William Morrow, 2014.) In this book, they discuss the “Upside of Quitting.” They make a distinction between stopping and failing. Why quitting or giving up is NOT a failure.

We all subscribe to the Winston Churchill ideal of never, never, never giving up. We hear that for small businesses failing is not an option. Levitt and Dubner discuss why we tend to keep going: we have sunk too much time, money and energy in a project and we would feel like a failure if we stop. So we stay, in a relationship, a job, a project long after we are bored and want to leave it, because to go is to fail. But is giving up really a “failure” and is it such a bad thing?

Sometimes realizing something does NOT work is really a success. Thomas Edison was famously asked, did you really fail 9,000 times before finding what worked in a light bulb? His reply was: we didn’t fail; we succeeded in finding 9,000 things that DIDN’T work in a light bulb.  So you date some men and you don’t like any of them, you are not a failure at men or at life. You are finding out what you DON’T like in a man. You take some courses and find out you are bad at science or at dance or whatever. You aren’t a failure. You got good information about what you DON’T want or what you don’t do well. You just need to change to something you ARE good at, by experimenting, trying out different things until you find one you love.

The WorldTree tarot says that the 10 of Wands Reversed means that you are burdened or overcommitted. You may be trying to take on too many things. Most of us feel this way sometimes. We don’t like what we are doing, so we add something we like better, but we continue the old things too. Sometimes, this is good: if you want to start a new career, you start by doing it part time and see if it works for you, BEFORE you dump the old career.  But sometimes we want to start something new and we can’t, because we won’t give up the old things also.

I believe that to be stuck means that you are trying to hold onto two different things or ideas or life stages and you can’t keep them both. You are pouring energy and time into something you just don’t want anymore, which leaves you little energy for the NEW thing you want to do. So, you must choose.  To quit doesn’t mean you stop doing what you don’t like in exchange for sitting around watching TV and getting fat. It means to stop doing the old hobby while you start a new one that looks more fun, dump (gently) the old boyfriend to make time to look for one you WANT to be with, maybe even–after building up a safety net of money or after figuring out with a spouse how your family can live on one salary for a while–you quit your current career to reinvent yourself and try something else.

On big and monumental things, like a new career, you may have to do it gradually. You can take some classes on the side to see if you would like it. Eventually, even there you have to decide: stay and do this job or move on to the promising new one. You aren’t a failure if you do that, you have just found something you like (or can do) better.

People stay in relationships long after they realize this partner is NOT interested in getting married or just isn’t the right person for them. They need to get out of this relationship, so they can find the right guy, but they have invested so much time already (some tell me 3 years, some 5 years, one told me 11 years) they don’t want to go.  They need to leave, but they think they must admit to wasting all that time. But it wasn’t a waste of time, it taught them valuable lessons about what they DON’T like.

Dropping what isn’t working for you , so you can go in a new direction, try a NEW thing, reinvent yourself is a very scary action, but also very liberating.  No matter how much time/money/energy you have given to something, if you have taken it as far as you can, now you need to let it go. Don’t be afraid of failure, it isn’t a failure you if you figured out what did not work. That, I think, is the message of the 10 of Wands Reversed. Let go and go on!

Magicians vs Tarot cards
October 12, 2014

I can rarely enjoy a magic show anymore. I worked for a short time in the office of a wonderful mentalist and good friend (as well as a greatly respected mentor who helped me break into the psychic entertainment business.)  Once he twirled the stem on a pocket watch, handed it to me then guessed the time that would be read when I opened the watch. He did it TWICE even! Then, I noticed something about the watch….and he snatched it back and said, “I will never let YOU look at that watch again!” He and I grinned at each other.

I guessed his secret. Over time found out about many other secrets he had (which I will never tell.) So now when I see a magic act, I can pretty quickly figure out at least some of the ways they are getting their miraculous results. Sometimes I can still enjoy the show anyway; an axiom of stage magic is not that the trick is difficult but that you make it LOOK like it is difficult.

People assume that a psychic, even (or maybe especially) an entertainment reader, is a mentalist also. (I almost said “Just a mentalist” but mentalism is a very difficult magic art to perform. I may know the tricks, but the sleight of hand that allows them to happen? Reading the “tells” that my friend can see so easily? I still can’t see them.) I have had people insist that I am fishing or using tells to see what they are thinking then telling them and amazing them. Actually, that is not true. Usually, when I do have a chance to “amaze” people with something like that, I usually tell them outright what I did. I don’t want to be mentalist, I am a psychic. I read the reality around them in the Akashic records. Akashic records are controversial. There is no solid book or thing I can point to that says, this is real. All I can reply on is results.

I use tarot cards (and occasionally palms) as pictures to free associate off of. I see the Ace of Cups and I see happiness, 10 of swords and I see fear, etc. Put several together (or if I am reading palms, several lines that make a form of graphic for me) and I see a message about someone’s life. I say I can’t see what the future WILL be, that is for you, the seeker, to create, but I may be able to give you information, because I can see what is AROUND you. So, people ask about love. I can’t see the lover coming but I CAN see the expectations they have about a lover that may contradict other expectations they have. They want to be a huge success, but also have time to be at home most nights with a lover.  Really? Will I get into the college I want? If the applications are all in, I can probably see it, since I can see how they compare to other applicants. Which is the best choice for me about this decision, this way or that? I can lay down cards and see what information I can give them about it. It isn’t a parlor trick, or mechanical.

Some people talk about Magic vs Magick—with a K. I like that idea. Magic is mechanical, done with gimmicked objects or a LOT of skill at manual manipulation but with a different set of mind skills than Magick. Magick is all about the power of the mind. We “Magickians” use the power of the mind to feel emotions, find out information in the Akashic records and sometimes bring to ourselves opportunities we want or need, create original art or a technique that was never done before

You don’t have to be a psychic reader or even an artist to be Magickly creative. Many years ago, a pilot discovered a new technique to land a plane in an emergency. It was quicker and safer than any system used before. He was in a flight simulator dealing with a serious emergency and when he had landed, the people watching were amazed. He got the plane down in a way that was NEW. People said they didn’t think landing a plane would work like that but it did. I truly believe because he was totally in the moment (in a flow state as it were) he opened to the Akashic record and pulled together several ideas into a new one.

The biggest obstacle to reading the Akashic record is feeling that there must be ways to get somewhere and only those ways work. I feel that if you have a goal you want to achieve you must let go of the path (and the time table) that gets you there. Instead, envision the goal. Think about it often. Talk about it. See it in your head. But let go of how to reach it. This doesn’t mean, don’t work at it. You must strive toward the goal, but the way to get there may not be what you expect.

To use myself as an example: I had made a goal: make a living as a tarot reader. I worked at psychic fairs for a few years but I was less popular than the big names, which would go home with an appreciable amount of money at the end of the weekend. AND the very best would tell me they also had several private clients they saw during the week. I just wasn’t doing so well. Once, after I had gotten my money and paid the (nominal) table fees for future dates, I had just a dollar left. I was also a little nervous about burning out my brain with too much reading. So I continued at the psychic fair, learning all I could, and working with a mentor who taught me about how to strengthen my psychic abilities and to delete belief systems that blocked me from seeing reality in the Akashic record.  At last, the day come that I had a chance to work a party as a reader and I found my niche. THIS was a way I could make a living reading tarot. Not the way I assumed it would be, but a fun way that works for me. I had reached my goal. But only when I let go of insisting on a path that would get me to that goal, did a path open that I had not thought of.

It wasn’t magic, but it was Magick: I had a friend who was a puppeteer. She happened to recommended me to an entertainment bureau. They happened to called me for a party they were having. It happened I had a friend who could sew me a “gypsy” costume. At the party, it happened that this mentalist was doing walk around card tricks and he was impressed by how much the people were enjoying their readings. The mentalist asked me out to coffee and told me he had been looking for an opportunity to “pay forward” his own success and wanted to help me. He taught me how to contact agents and get my name out as a psychic entertainer. The rest, as I like to say, is history.

Magick is sometimes nothing more than a cluster of coincidences, but what is coincidence but the power of the mind allowing us to pick up and put together the opportunities we need to get what we want? Magick tied it together because I wasn’t trying too hard to make the path go where I thought it must go. Instead, I was open to what would come and the path opened to new opportunities.

ONE CAVEAT: You goal can be “success” or “I want to be very good at X,” but to say I want to be a star or famous doing X is not a goal worth aspiring to. You can’t control others and make them LIKE what you are doing, Facebook not withstanding! So don’t wish to be a star or a famous ___ (fill in the blank.) Wish instead to be a Working _____  (whatever you want to do.) Being a “Star” or the very top person in your profession involves too many factors out of your control: fashion, other people’s preferences, sometimes  just plain random luck. You may make it to the top of your profession but there is no predicting that. Strive and I can assure you, you will get better or even very good at what you want to do, but top of the line? Work towards it, but never assume that will happen.

NEXT: Pathworking

I just bought a tarot deck, now what do I do?
October 2, 2014

Once you have bought a deck, you must familiarize yourself with it and start your study of Tarot.  Open your deck, but don’t shuffle it yet. Or if you have played with it already, resort it into suites. Read the little white booklet  that came with the deck. Raymond Buckland made a good suggestion: read the booklet that came with the deck once, then throw it away. Instead of following what others say, try to see to see what the cards suggest to YOU.  Lay out the major arcana (that starts with the Fool and the Magician and goes up to the World (number 21.) Study each card individually. Look the objects people are holding and the colors of their clothes, the flowers or backgrounds of the pictures.  Look at how the upper row (cards 0-10) cards 11-21. Do you see similarities or differences in the cards? Try creating a story about them. Once a Fool (the seeker) bundled up his tools in a bindlestiff (a bundle on a stick, used traditionally by hobos and wanderers) and set out. He laid all his tools out (the Magician) and began to work. He met a High Priestess who told him of great secrets of the tarot,  and so on.

Then lay out the minor arcana in rows above each other from Ace to King and do the same thing. Tell a story of the cards from Ace up. Aces may not have much of a picture on them, they are new beginnings, “births” as it were: new ideas based on the suit (Cups are emotions, Swords are fears and pain, Wands are business and enterprise, and pentacles are money and power.) Tens are endings or ends of a cycle. Pages are students and messengers sending messages OUT, Knights are bring messages BACK, Queens are peers or friends, Kings are people in a position of authority giving advice or counsel.  Try telling the story from King down if it helps: a counselor or teacher gives you good advice, your friends give you their take, messages come for you and you study all of well, then….. eventually coming back to Ace and more new ideas.

Now that you are a little familiar with them, try shuffling the cards and using them. Keep them by your bed and every morning as you get up, pull a card. Study it and think about it all day. How does it relate to your day?  Did you pull the 2 of Pentacles and have to juggle a lot of jobs all day? If you pulled the Magician did you amaze everyone with your expertise or (reversed Magician) were you fooled by a sly someone?

Don’t be afraid of reversed cards. Think of them as meaning NOT whatever the upright meaning is. So the Fool is not bold and fearless, he is timid or maybe RECKLESS. Two of Pentacles Reversed: dropping things either because you have too many balls in the air or have decided it wasn’t worth it.

Try keeping a tarot diary. In the morning, write down the card you pulled and in the evening think of how it related to your day. Not all cards will work right but some will give you wonderful new insight and help you open up your Inner Vision.

What are tarot cards?
August 17, 2014

I am sure you have seen Tarot cards and wondered about them. Maybe you have even had a reading before. I am starting a new series here of short pieces about tarot. I hope you enjoy them. For this first piece, lets talk about what Tarot is and what it is not. It is 78 cards, including 56 minor Arcana, the suits cards, cups, pentacles, swords and wands with 4 court cards in each suit, King, Queen, Knight and Page.

Then come the infamous Major Arcana, which includes Death, the Devil, the Tower and such fun cards as the Lovers and the Chariot.

What it is NOT is a way to tell what the future will be. The future is not set in stone. Options and possibilities are available to us all. So all we readers can really tell is what is possible, not what will happen.

So if Tarot does not tell the future, what does it do? It allows people to open up to the Askasic Record, the record of everything up to this moment. It enables you to see the patterns of thoughts and behaviors. To see reality as it is, not as you may want it to be. Tarot can give you facts. It cannot give you help. That is for YOU to give yourself.  Just open up your inner vision.



Picking a Tarot Deck
August 14, 2014

How do you pick a deck to use? There are hundreds even thousands of published and unpublished decks to choose from. Some people like to create their OWN tarot decks. Some decks have pictures on the Minor Arcana. some (referred to as Marseille decks) don’t.

The best way to pick a deck for you is to look at a lot of them. Ask friends to let you look at their decks. Go to a store where they will let you look at lots of different decks. Don’t just look at the boxes, thumb through the cards. If you go on-line, most tarot card publishers will show several example cards out of a deck. Pick a deck with pictures that attract you. Ask yourself: do these pictures say something to me? Do I understand at least some of the pictures and what they are saying?  Do I like the art? How do I feel looking at these cards? No, that is not irrelevant: I for one, feel very uncomfortable looking a the pictures of Toth (or Crowley) deck. (Others LOVE that deck. It isn’t a bad deck, but the mind behind it was very different than mine and the messages of the cards give me the willies.) Some decks you won’t feel anything about, others will be so meaningful to you, you will KNOW what many of the  cards mean to you.

That one would probably be a good deck for you.

Take your deck home and play with it. Don’t memorize the meanings of the cards as listed in the Little White Book that comes with it, try to figure out what each card may mean for YOU. That is the way to open up your Inner Vision.